Are You Wondering What to Do on Father’s Day? Here are 28 Father’s Day Ideas!

a clipboard with a sign that says free fathers day checklist and ideasSo Father’s day is coming up and you are wondering “What to do on Father’s day?” At the end of this article you will find a free Father’s day list to help you plan your Father’s day!

So What are Good Ideas for Father’s day?

  • You can make him a meal (either breakfast, lunch, dinner or all of them). Why I put this first is because of that old saying, “A way to a man’s heart is through is stomach.” Most men love a nice home cooked meal or even just a nice meal at a restaurant or take out.
  • Give him some quality family time and also some quality quiet time where he can just relax without lots of noise.
  • Let him rest or take a nap for the afternoon.
  • Some quality family time could be going on a picnic or going to the zoo or even going fishing or golfing.
  • Plan a day trip out with lots of fun activities.
  • Let him watch a movie or the TV for the day.
  • Make or buy him a thoughtful card. Or send him an ecard.
  • If he will allow you, you can wash his car and really clean it up on the inside as well.
  • You can mow the lawn or do any chores that he might normally have to do.
  • A nice thing to do is to clean up the house so that it is exceptionally clean.
  • Buy him a gift that he has been wanting or make him a homemade gift.
  • Have a barbeque for his special day.
  • If he likes sports you can play or do his favourite activity.
  • His favourite activity might not be sports related but you can still participate in it.
  • Take him to a sports game.
  • You can just ask him what he would like to do for Father’s day! This probably the best one unless you want to make it a surprise.
  • Make everyone in the house promise to not complain that day so that the day is positive. He will love a nice fluffy day, where everyone is happy!
  • If he has a certain hobby you can get him something related to that hobby.
  • If he is going to work the next day you can make him a really nice lunch to take to work with him.
  • If he will allow you to, you can clean up his man cave area (or an area where he normally is) and put lots of nice snacks for him to enjoy.
  • You can bake a Father’s day cake or make him his favourite dessert.
  • You can make him his favourite drink (like homemade lemonade, etc…)
  • You can get him a gift related to his car or to the garage. Something helpful that he would like.
  • We all are kids at heart. Is there a certain activity that you know that he would like to do but rarely do? Like going to an amusement park, etc…?
  • Treat him to a hair cut at the barber shop.
  • Would he like to do some spa related activity like a massage, etc…?
  • Get the kids involved by letting them make him a gift or even doing a small play/performance. Don’t forget to take some pictures or video of his special day.
  • You can make a Father’s day scrapbook full of fun pictures or sayings and give it to him.

says free father's day printable and ideasIn conclusion, the best thing you can do is just give him a happy day! So to help you plan your father’s day, I’m giving you a free printable for personal use.

I made two options. You can download one in colour or download one in black and white or both if you like! Enjoy! 🙂

It will be a Father’s day checklist that you can go over to help you out.

How do you plan to celebrate Father’s day? Let me know in the comments below. Have a wonderful day!


Free Printables Below for Personal Use

Coloured version

Black and white version


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